
Decorator that takes multiple condition functions and the if one is False returns False.

Parameters:conditions – Multiple condition functions.
auth_functional.authentication(view=None, authenticator=None, www_authenticate=None, response_factory=None)[source]

Check request’s authentication.

  • view – View or class-based view to decorate.
  • authenticator – Callable that checks request’s authentication. If None the default

method: DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATOR is used. The callable is passed the request along with args/kwargs passed by the dispatcher. :param www_authenticate: Header to send in the response as a request to the client to authenticate if the authentication failed. :param response_factory: Callable to use for building the response. Useful if you want to prepare the response yourself. The callable is passed the request along with args/kwargs passed by the dispatcher.

Returns:HTTP 401 “Unauthorized” response if the authentication failed, otherwise the response

returned by the decorated view.

auth_functional.authorization(condition, response_factory=None)[source]

Check request’s authorization.

Parameters:condition – Callable that returns True if the request is authorized and False

otherwise. The callable is passed the request along with args/kwargs passed by the dispatcher. :param response_factory: Callable to use for building the response. Useful if you want to prepare the response yourself. The callable is passed the request along with args/kwargs passed by the dispatcher.

Returns:HTTP 403 “Forbidden” response if the authorization failed, otherwise the response

returned by the decorated view.


Decorator that takes a condition and negates its return value.

Parameters:conditions – Condition function.

Decorator that takes multiple condition functions and returns True if one is True.

Parameters:conditions – Multiple condition functions.